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About Me


Well if you really want to know...

My personal story

Life, Faith, Confidence

I couldn't tell you what other people may have to say about who I am and what I'm doing here on this planet. But I can tell you what I've been discovering and uncovering about myself lately, and the truths about my identity that have been spoken to me these last few months.


I am a beautiful creation, fearfully, and wonderfully made.

I am enough, even in my weakness.

I am whole and complete. 


I am a giggle-prone, deep-thinking student that can’t get her hands on enough things to do. I am a daughter, an older sister, and a friend to those that can put up with me. I love music (singing is the best of all trades), writing (of course), loving on the people around me, and volunteering in all capacities. Above all, I love God and would consider myself a seeker of all things true and beautiful.


Why blog? Well, I've been going through a transformation lately. A transformation in mindset, perspective, expectation, and desire. A reset and reorganization of my priorities. An appreciation for honesty, for real reflection, for facing the things I'd rather hide from. And a new-found joy in the little things, in understanding that I may not have tomorrow, but I do have today. And I want to do all I can to speak kindly, to hold closely, and love as deeply as I possibly can in the moments I've been gifted with on this earth.


To be honest, this blog is more for me than anything. But if these reflections and my little whisper in a sea of voices can help someone else, I'd feel ashamed of not allowing them to speak more than I ever could, and fulfill a purpose that is beyond my expectations.


So, before we begin this journey together, please remember that this is who you are:


You are a beautiful creation, fearfully, and wonderfully made.

You are enough, even in your weakness.

You are whole and complete. 


Walk in these truths as we take our first steps on this journey to living joyfully - with joy untainted.



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Website photo credits: Author photos - E.M., A.H., and N.S.; Blog post photos - Unsplash

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