Welcome home lovely!
Here, we are all about living intentionally, reflectively, and joyfully.
Happiness may last a season. But joy is the lasting undercurrent that carries us in every circumstance...let's search for the joy that can't be matched, that passes all understanding - let's search for joy untainted.
The Notes Corner
Welcome home, to this cozy little corner of the internet, abounding in grace, love, and the sweetness of living joyfully. Sit back, and stay awhile.

Who's the who behind this?

Hi, I'm Bel!
Welcome to my corner of the internet.
I am a giggle-prone, deep-thinking student that can’t get her hands on enough things to do. I am a daughter, an older sister, and a friend to those that can put up with me. I love music (singing is the best of all trades), writing (of course), loving on the people around me, and volunteering in all capacities. Above all, I love God and would consider myself a seeker of all things true and beautiful.
The Purpose of Joy Untainted:
To capture honest reflections that stimulate and nourish the soul, and to explore what it means to lead a joyful life at every stage and in any circumstance. To gain a better understanding of the greater meaning and purpose of life, and to realize the higher calling that we can answer if we would dare to expect and ask for something more in this life. To share, to encourage, and to walk towards the light - together.
Welcome to this journey, I’m so glad to have you.