A rarely asked question
There are some questions we rarely ask each other. This is one of them.

Are you ok?
Has the world made you cry or rejoice today? Either way, it’s more than ok.
If you rejoice, I rejoice with you. If you cry, I cry with you.
Because your joy is my joy and your pain is my pain. Even if I don’t understand it. Even if I haven’t lived it. All I need to know is if you are ok. And that’s enough for me to sit and listen and hear and be present. That’s enough for me to remember that because you are my friend, my human companion, your feelings mean something to me - and I feel too.
I’m not afraid to feel with you. Why would I be? Life is messy, it’s burdensome, it’s hectic. The least we can do is stop acting like because I’m ok everyone else is. The least we can do is stop pretending like we are ok to begin with. The least we can do is step into each other’s spaces and validate each other’s feelings and minister to each other’s needs. The least I can do is come in, sit with you, look you in the eye and open my ears, earnestly asking the question that so often goes unasked -
Hello friend. Are you ok? You don’t have to share or elaborate but if you want to, I’m present. Just answer me honestly. And we’ll spin in the sunshine or face the storm - together.
Joyfully yours,