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Channel Crossing, Silence, and You

Have you ever felt like a nuisance?

Photo by Sébastien Jermer on Unsplash

You're trying to reach out to someone and you feel like maybe you shouldn't, because why would they want to hear from you anyway? Or maybe you feel like encouragement wouldn't be appreciated, or they're just too busy to take notice.

In the world we live in, we're more likely to live on our own little islands, and in fear of crossing the waters to check on the neighbor across the channel. Because they're probably just busy, and they look happy in their Instagram pictures, they wouldn't care - would they?

What a lot of us forget is that most of us suffer in silence. And in an increasingly individualistic society, many of us are forgetting how to ask for help. We're losing the art of living in community - we're losing the art of loving others.

What a lot of us forget is that most of us suffer in silence...many of us are forgetting how to ask for help.

This verse stood out to me recently - “Jesus said to him…’You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”* I think we sleep on the profoundness of that statement. What does it mean to love someone as yourself?

Maybe it means stepping away from the business of life to shoulder someone’s pain - the pain of frustration or loss or injustice - so that you can sympathize and be an ally in their restoration. Maybe it means doing for others what you would want others to do for you. Maybe it means that you take notice of the little things, that you try to think of what would relieve someone’s burden, and then make an intentional effort to do that for them. Maybe it means taking the inconvenient, unanticipated, unexpected route to make someone feel loved.

It means recognizing that loving yourself feels better than ever when you're sharing that love with someone else.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Sometimes, loving others might not be so clear-cut. Sometimes we will have to take steps to cross channels, overcome our fears, and ask someone how they're doing on their island. Because even if they don't want to share, someone's genuine interest in their well-being or kind words spoken in a dark hour can change the course of someone's day - or someone's life.

Let's not underestimate the power of community. The power of intentional relationship, one that goes beyond social media likes. The power of loving someone as we love ourselves.

Feel like a nuisance? You're not alone. And maybe the efforts you've made to overcome your fear don't seem to mean anything. The reality is that we won’t always know the outcome on this side of Eternity. But the joy of giving doesn't always come by seeing the outcome. Sometimes it's just knowing that another human knows that you care about them, and in a world gone mad where we’re isolated and stressed with everything going on around us, that may mean more than you ever know. I challenge you to reach out to someone today and let them know that you care; let them know that you're thankful for them and for what they do every day. It’ll put a smile on their face, and on yours as well.

Joyfully yours,


*Matthew 22:38-39 NKJV



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Who am I? Just a girl pondering the meaning of life and what it means to live joyfully, regardless of the circumstances. Welcome to my "Notes Corner" aka my thoughts on life - sit back and read awhile, I love company!


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