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First post reflections: Why joy?

Image by Preslie Hirsch on Unsplash

Ok, so you may be asking - why write about joy? And to be honest, I asked myself the same thing.

There are a number of things I could have chosen to make this blog about: relationships, school, hobbies, faith, how-to-live stress-free (if there’s a blog on that, let me know!) the list is endless. And all those things are beautifully important, even essential. But as I pondered what I really wanted this blog to be about, the term ‘joy’ rose to the surface. It just felt right.

And now, that choice is beginning to make more sense to me. Because, at the end of the day, what we are really searching for in our relationships, in our never-ending quests for knowledge and understanding, in our privilege and prestige, in the number of things that we have, or in the daily struggle to make ends meet, is joy. A deep inner joy that stems from the satisfaction of a life well-lived - or so we think.

But it’s here where our joy can be stolen, removed from our grasp before our very eyes. Because sometimes, the outcomes in our lives may not reflect the effort we put in. We’re disappointed, let down, or hurt. Dreams shatter, hopes vanish, and life takes an almost cruel turn. Then our joy - if it’s based on our circumstances - is gone.


But what if joy came from something other than ourselves, other than our lives and achievements? What if we were joyful in our present realities instead of hoping for future joy and missing out on the now? What if our joy was constant, even in the darkest moments of our lives, and we allowed that joy to carry us safely to the other side of our trials and tribulations? What if our joy was untainted, free from the distractions and expectations that consume us and surround us? A joy that’s experienced consistently, in a way that reminds us that there is something, Someone, and a purpose to live for? A joy that reminds us that one bad day doesn’t mean a failed future, that one painful relationship, experience, or friendship doesn’t deem us unlovable; a joy that reminds us that life is worth living, worth waking up one more day for.

Is that kind of joy even possible?

I know so.

What if our joy was untainted, free from the distractions and expectations that consume us and surround us...a joy that reminds us that life is worth living, worth waking up one more day for.

And this blog is about thirsting for that joy. It’s about honestly reflecting on where we are in the now, and where we want to be in the future. It’s about letting loose of the burdens we carry, crying our tears, and filling our souls with something to live for, strive for, and rejoice in. It’s about supporting, loving, and caring for others, gently leading them into living a joyful life too.

This is the journey that I am beginning to walk; a journey towards healing, reconciliation, hope, and rejoicing. Rejoicing in where I’ve come from, in where I am, and in where I’m going. And I hope that in living an intentionally joyful life, I’ll be able to bring joy to those who may not know it. That I may be able to share some love with those who are starving for it. If I can do that for just one person, then the journey will not have been in vain.

Image by Vlad Bagacian on Unsplash

Dear friend, are you yearning for a joy untainted by what surrounds you? Are you seeking to be free from the chains of self-doubt and criticism that may be holding you back from living fully and joyfully? I am so glad you are here. I invite you to walk this journey together with me. I would rather we walk side-by-side, exchanging ideas, and learning what joy untainted looks like for ourselves and for our communities. Because together, we can do more than we could ever imagine.

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." John 15:11

Joyfully yours,



1 Comment

noble o
noble o
May 24, 2021

This is absolutely excellent Bel! So proud of you and amazed and how well-written and thoughtful this post is (as well as all of Joy Untainted!). Looking forward to going on this journey with you. :)


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Who am I? Just a girl pondering the meaning of life and what it means to live joyfully, regardless of the circumstances. Welcome to my "Notes Corner" aka my thoughts on life - sit back and read awhile, I love company!


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