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Long, but never late

It's been far too long. I've missed this space.

Image by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

If there is anything I have learned this summer, it's that making time for the things and people that matter most is not as straightforward as it may seem.

It's so easy for our responsibilities to pull us away from the people we want to hold close, and from the passions that we want to pursue. Between my internship, family life, ongoing projects, and unexpected happenings, it feels like I've been drowning quite literally.

I've missed writing consistently these last few weeks. Sometimes, it feels like I'm just trying to stay afloat. We forget what our real callings are, what our real purpose is, and what we need to keep ourselves well and healthy.

For me, I don't just write for views. I write because this space encourages me, strengthens me, rejuvenates me. Maybe, one of the reasons I've been feeling down and sort of lifeless is because I haven't taken the time to come back to what keeps me going.

Let's not let life steal the joy of living. Let's keep refueling so that we can keep going at our best. Let's not forget to love and cherish our health, our wellness, and the passions we've been gifted with. Let's get our priorities straight friends because it's in prioritizing the right things that we make space for real, honest, and sustaining joy.

I'm happy to be back. And even if I miss a day or two, I'll just keep coming back. Because too long never has to be too late.

Joyfully yours,




About Me


Who am I? Just a girl pondering the meaning of life and what it means to live joyfully, regardless of the circumstances. Welcome to my "Notes Corner" aka my thoughts on life - sit back and read awhile, I love company!


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Website photo credits: Author photos - E.M., A.H., and N.S.; Blog post photos - Unsplash

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