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Screams of Inadequacy

What do you do when life screams that you are inadequate?

When the person you so desperately want to take notice of you doesn’t so much as glance in your direction. Or when the weight of responsibility weighs heavily on your mind and you can never seem to swim out of the ocean of tasks. You don’t think you look good, sound good, smell good, are good. You feel smaller, smaller than the tiniest ant, and yet, the world’s shoe is still out to squash the life out of you. Maybe you feel like the world doesn’t understand you; it doesn’t reflect your vision and your most trusted souls don’t seem to catch your fire. Maybe, maybe, you just don’t feel like enough. Worse yet, it’s not just a temporary ‘I’ll get over it’ thought - maybe it feels like you will never, ever be enough.

Dearest friend, as I write this I am drowning in work, facing a sea of inner turmoil, and feeling like the world will never provide a season of relief. I feel like asking for one, longing for one, and hoping upon hoping that something will change makes me a weakling. I’m afraid to feel, afraid to recognize, afraid to be myself because I don’t fully understand how who I am can speak to those around me. And as I constantly count my failed attempts at a reformation of habits, my failure only seems to confirm my inadequacy and remind me that the time I have spent here hasn’t done enough, been enough, helped enough to make me enough.

What’s the point then?

Everything’s the point. Because I am already enough.

You are already enough.

Friend, you are more than what you do, than what you excel in, and than what you fail in. Don’t buy into the world’s narrative. Perfection doesn’t mean fulfillment. And it certainly doesn’t mean anything about your worth. Fulfillment comes in being able to look the inadequacies in the eye and wake up tomorrow determined to live beyond them.

Improvement is a life-work. It’s not an overnight change, and dearest, anyone that doesn’t accept you for who you are and the amazing things you have already done, or someone who’s not willing to look beyond the awkwardness and brokenness and see your inner beauty is not someone that you want in your life. Just don’t turn into that negative person for yourself.

Excellence is birthed from faith. From faith in one’s potential and belief in what one can do despite their circumstances. Without it, there’s no reason to try and succeed - because you’ve already told yourself that the only option is to fail. That there’s nothing valuable you bring to the table, that your voice and experience aren’t applicable and aren’t enough to carry you to a place of success. Maybe you are even surrounded by people who believe in you, but first, you must believe in yourself. You must grasp a belief that is beyond what anyone else thinks and says about what you are and what you can and cannot do. You must embrace your own God-given potential and harness the power that it holds. That first step to success begins with you.

You are already enough.

Scary right? What does that even mean? What does it look like to embrace one’s potential?

Pray and seek the strength that only a Higher Power can give. Then allow yourself to work with the changes that have already begun in your life. Claim victory for yourself.

Speak it. Write it. Then read it again and again. When the anxiety threatens to steal your joy, scream it. Hold it. Post it. And slowly friend, you’ll begin to know it. You’ll begin to see it. You’ll begin to believe it.

I believe in you. I believe in you. Dear friend, I believe in you. Now say it with me - I believe in me.

Joyfully yours,




Jul 11, 2021

Hi Ms. Bel,

You are a gift! As is this space…. Thanks so very much for replying - and truly look forward to reading more of your work. It’s so full of Light and love.

May blessings abound for you…

With warmest regards and a standing ovation for your splendidness,



Jul 06, 2021

Dear Bel,

Such a splendid post, beautiful you.

And, yes, yes, yes. You are, we all are, enough. Always. Despite what our minds tell us to the contrary. Love your writing, which speaks to my heart. May the Divine in us all, in you, everywhere…Light hearts and fill our world.

Cheers to fabulous, authentic, loving y-o-u,


Joy Untainted
Joy Untainted
Jul 11, 2021
Replying to

Hi Ms. Judy!! This message warmed my heart more than you know, thank you so much for the affirmation and support. I am so glad this post blessed you, and amen to that - our world needs light and love and hope now more than ever. My prayer is that this little space would be just one shining light in the darkness :)) Be blessed!!


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Who am I? Just a girl pondering the meaning of life and what it means to live joyfully, regardless of the circumstances. Welcome to my "Notes Corner" aka my thoughts on life - sit back and read awhile, I love company!


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