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Swimming voices

Photo by Hussain Faruhaan on Unsplash

Hi dear reader,

Today, I have a question. Where is your voice?

In a world where it feels like the little we have to say drowns in an ocean of voices, we are often tempted to sit in our boats comfortably silent, not realizing that our silence is someone else’s closed door and unrealized reality. Not realizing that when we don’t use our voice, we almost always lose it.

But what does one voice mean in a sea of voices? What if we don’t know the sound of our own voices to begin with?

Friend, your life is your voice. Your daily is your song. Your living reality is an experience woven of time and space, and from these physical and emotional actualities we discover a sense of purpose, a set of unique talents and understandings that create the only you that exists. That creates your one-and-only perspective and opinion. That creates your voice - your unique message and testimony to the masses. And that my friend, needs to be heard.

Photo by Ilyass SEDDOUG on Unsplash

You may share your voice with a country or even the world. But the key to an even more notable use of your voice may be right next to you. In your school, at your work, in your home, besides you as you read this. Those people, that person, may need to hear your voice. They may need to hear that story that reminds them that they are not alone in their struggles. They may need to see that healing is possible, that silence can be broken, that they can write their own song and sing it for others to hear and feel heard - to hear and feel known.

Using your voice means that you must own it and the identity that it carries. In embracing your person and the expressions that are uniquely yours, you have the potential to inspire someone else to discover their own; to own their own, speak their own, and love their own. In your silence, you may never unlock the openness that inspires, enables, and empowers others to speak. But in your speaking, you emanate confidence, understanding, authenticity, honesty, love, and joy - joy that bubbles over onto those you love and the ones they love and the ones they love. Because joy is contagious. And sweet words spoken are sweet words heard echoing through time and space; through individuals, homes, communities, countries, and yes, even worlds. And those sweet words may just change our world, one human at a time.

You may share your voice with a country or even the world. But the key to an even more notable use of your voice may be right next to you.

Do you know the sound of your own voice? Can you hear it? Will you hear it? If so, don’t hold it to yourself; speak sweet words of hope and joy over the people with you, around you, and beside you today. And hear their voices swell and blossom with new understanding and song along with yours. Because that’s how voices swim in the big sea of them - they don’t drown each other out. They float and swim to shore - together.

Joyfully yours,




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Who am I? Just a girl pondering the meaning of life and what it means to live joyfully, regardless of the circumstances. Welcome to my "Notes Corner" aka my thoughts on life - sit back and read awhile, I love company!


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Website photo credits: Author photos - E.M., A.H., and N.S.; Blog post photos - Unsplash

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